Analytics cookies These are used to see how people use our website so we can make adjustments and improvements. Advertising cookies These are used to make advertisements on our website more relevant to your interests. Inside the vagina How long sperm live depends on where the sperm are deposited. Outside of the body Outside of the body, sperm can survive in semen for up to a few hours because they require precise conditions of warmth and humidity to survive.

Could I have a sperm allergy? Pregnancy Myths Cleared Up! Rouge, M. Overview of Semen Handling and Analysis. Colorado State University. Harraway, C. Semen pH in patients with normal versus abnormal sperm characteristics. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 5 , Can sperm live in pool water? Planned Parenthood.

Suarez, S. Sperm transport in the female reproductive tract. Human reproduction update, 12 1 , Beyond health and age, temperature and moisture also determine the lifespan of ejaculated sperm, says Michael A. For example, sperm on a dry, cold bed sheet may die faster than sperm on a warmer surface like human skin. Even though sperm can survive on the skin or outside the body for this short period, the chance of it fertilizing an egg and causing pregnancy is incredibly low, says Langdon.

A person would have to touch the sperm and then their vagina before it dries, or the sperm would have to drip into the vagina for any chance of pregnancy. Sperm can survive within a person's reproductive system for up to five days after entering.

Immediately after moving into the vagina, semen forms a protective gel around sperm to shield them from the vagina's acidity. Within 30 minutes, the gel is liquefied as the sperm exits the vaginal canal and enters the cervix. This liquefaction allows sperm to move more freely through the cervical mucus, up through the uterus, and finally into the fallopian tubes.

The fastest swimming sperm may reach the fallopian tubes within minutes of ejaculation. However, pregnancy can only occur if an egg happens to pass through the fallopian tubes within the five days of the sperm's arrival. The chances of that are small unless you've timed it just right to have sex in the few days leading up to ovulation. Most sperm will never reach the fallopian tubes, however.

Instead, they will be removed from the vagina once a person engages in physical acts such as becoming upright, using the bathroom, or coughing, says Langdon. I am wondering if I could be pregnant, what do I do next? Compiled using information from the following sources: 1. Sperm content of the pre-ejaculatory fluid. Hum Fertil Camb. Can I get pregnant if…? Share this post:. Share on facebook Facebook. Share on twitter Twitter. Share on linkedin LinkedIn. Share on email Email. Similar Post.

Can I get pregnant if Most likely you will not get pregnant having sex…. Pregnancy Loss. What is a Rainbow Baby? Rainbow baby is a healthy baby born after losing a baby due to miscarriage, infant loss, stillbirth, or neonatal death. Getting Pregnant. Early Signs of Pregnancy Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy; however, one of the most significant signs of pregnancy….

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Imagine the laser pointer were a much more powerful beam of light. The point of light projected onto the ceiling could effectively move at hundreds of miles per hour.

Isn't it possible that, in a sufficiently large room, the point of light could appear to move faster than the speed of light? Nemiroff said this is possible, and no laws of physics would be broken. Einstein's theory of special relativity says it is impossible for an object like a single photon of light to look as though it is traveling faster than the speed of light. Nemiroff's experiment doesn't break this physical law because the laser pointer produces a stream of photons, not a single photon.

No single photon in the stream ever moves faster than the speed of light, but collectively, they can create the illusion of faster-than-light travel. Another way to understand this illusion is to imagine an electronic ticker tape, which creates the illusion of a word moving horizontally across the screen.

In reality, the word is created by a series of flashes from many individual, stationary lights. In theory, it would be possible to have a word move across the screen faster than the speed of light — because nothing has actually moved.

Each flash of light is an isolated event, and they only create the illusion of movement collectively. Now, imagine shining a laser pointer straight out into infinite space. You don't see the laser dot projected anywhere because there is no end to this room. One of the most sacred laws of physics is that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light in vacuum.

But this speed limit has been smashed in a recent experiment in which a laser pulse travels at more than times the speed of light L J Wang et al. However, the laws of physics remain intact because Lijun Wang and colleagues at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton in the US are able to explain the results of their experiment in terms of the classical theory of wave propagation.

Special relativity prevents any object with mass travelling at the speed of light, and the principle of causality — the notion that the cause comes before the effect — is used to rule out the possibility of superluminal faster-than-light travel by light itself.

However, a pulse of light can have more than one speed because it is made up of light of different wavelengths. The individual waves travel at their own phase velocity, while the pulse itself travels with the group velocity. In a vacuum all the phase velocities and the group velocity are the same. In a dispersive medium, however, they are different because the refractive index is a function of wavelength, which means that the different wavelengths travel at different speeds. Their experimental set-up is remarkably similar to that used to slow light to a speed of just 17 metres per second last year.

Arthur Dogariu. In the experiment, NEC scientists measured the time taken by a pulse of light to pass through a 6cm-long specially prepared chamber containing cesium gas. The 3-microsecond long pulse of light would normally take only 0. But when passed through the specially prepared chamber, light emerged 62 nanoseconds earlier than it would have had it passed through the chamber in a vacuum.

This unusual phenomenon is the result of "anomalous dispersion", an effect not seen in nature in transparent materials and is created by the non-natural thermal state of the cesium gas used in the chamber. A laser is electromagnetic radiation which never has mass and will only travel at lightspeed. So unless that medium or material is inbetween you and your target all the time you are out of luck. However, what if you change this around?

Rather than fire a beam of light, you fire a carrier that holds the light? Say you use a way to stop the light using a metamaterial, and at impact this light is released? It would have the added benefit of being potentially bullet-shaped and capable, but all the lightbeams and pulsed flashes you expect are gone. Plasma is a "soup" of free electrons and ionized atomic nuclei. Lasers are coherent beams of photons. End of the story. Light is slower when travelling through a gas medium such as an atmosphere.

However, the difference in speed between a vacuum and an atmosphere such as ours is practically negligible. As an alternative, consider laser powered rockets. Basically you shoot a rocket, but instead of the rocket burning fuel in order to accelerate, you push it with lasers. This allows them to go arbitrarily much further and faster, and depending on the power you spend they might hit the target as a red or white hot stream of molten metal that from a distance might look like a laser beam as seen in some videogames.

Not an actual laser, no. Laser is light , and by definition, the speed of any light is the speed of light. But you can cheat. Your "laser" might be some mixture of waves hands quickly light ions in an electromagnetically bound self-contained matrix , sort of a Kugelblitz.

The energy contents of the "package" is several orders of magnitude beyond that of a simple laser, which explains why it is preferred to the latter, even though its speed is lower and avoiding a hit is possible.

You could call this a Kugelblitz device, a Rydberg projector, or a "soliton gun". As the other answerers have already pointed out, lasers are by definition light, and light by definition always travels through space at the speed of light in whatever medium it's travelling through.

So you have two options: either it must travel through some medium with a lower speed of light, or it must travel through more space than just the Euclidean straight-line distance from the start to the end of its trajectory. Other answers have already proposed either changing the medium or changing the trajectory to not be a straight line.

I think there is only one more possibility: warp space around the laser beam, so that the straight line trajectory covers more spatial distance than it would in a flat spacetime. An Alcubierre warp drive is a hypothetical device which warps space in order to achieve "faster-than-light" travel for something which cannot travel through space faster than light; imagine something like this in reverse, which warps space to achieve "slower-than-light" travel for something which cannot travel through space slower than light.

Millions of tiny finger-like structures called villi project inwards from the lining of the small intestine. The large surface area they present allows for rapid absorption of digestion products. A look at the time it takes for food to pass through the gut from mouth to anus. In a healthy adult, transit time is about 24—72 hours.

Why villi are important? What does the ileum absorb? How is the small intestine adapted for absorption? See all questions in Villi in the Small Intestine. Impact of this question views around the world. Key Points Digested food is able to pass into the blood vessels in the wall of the small intestine through the process of diffusion.

The inner wall, or mucosa, of the small intestine is covered in wrinkles or folds called plicae circulares that project microscopic finger-like pieces of tissue called villi, which in turn have finger-like projections known as microvilli. Each villus transports nutrients to a network of capillaries and fine lymphatic vessels called lacteals close to its surface.

Key Terms villi : Tiny, finger-like projections that protrude from the epithelial lining of the intestinal wall. The Small Intestine The small intestine is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine where much of the digestion of food takes place.

Absorption of the majority of nutrients takes place in the jejunum, with the following notable exceptions: Iron is absorbed in the duodenum.

Vitamin B12 and bile salts are absorbed in the terminal ileum. However, lactase production ceases after weaning in most populations, so adults in those populations experience gastric discomfort or distress when eating dairy products.

The small intestine is where most chemical digestion occurs. Most of the digestive enzymes that act in the small intestine are secreted by the pancreas and enter the small intestine via the pancreatic duct. The enzymes enter the small intestine in response to the hormone cholecystokinin, which is produced in the small intestine in response to the presence of nutrients.

The hormone secretin also causes bicarbonate to be released into the small intestine from the pancreas in order to neutralize the potentially harmful acid that comes from the stomach.

Small intestine : This image shows the position of the small intestine in the gastrointestinal tract. Brush border enzymes take over from there. The most important brush border enzymes are dextrinase and glucoamylase that further break down oligosaccharides. Other brush border enzymes are maltase, sucrase, and lactase. Lactase is absent in most adult humans and so lactose, like most polysaccharides, is not digested in their small intestine. Some carbohydrates, such as cellulose, are not digested at all despite being made of multiple glucose units.

This is because the cellulose is made out of beta-glucose that makes the inter-monosaccharidal bindings different from the ones present in starch, which consists of alpha-glucose.

Humans lack the enzyme for splitting the beta-glucose-bonds, something reserved for herbivores and the bacteria from the large intestine. The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and E are absorbed in the upper small intestine.

The factors that cause the malabsorption of fat can also affect the absorption of these vitamins. Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the ilium and must be bound to intrinsic factor, a protein secreted in the stomach, in order to be absorbed.

The central pillar of Nalumasortoq in Greenland was climbed via the new route One Way Ticket in , and this granted Rozov 35 seconds of free flight before opening his chute, while in Rozov helped establish the Russian route up the complex West Face of Amin Brakk in Pakistan before opening his wingsuit at m.

In Rozov made the first base jump off Ulvetanna m , a mountain in the Antarctic considered one of the most beautiful on the entire continent. It was like a journey to another planet. Full text search. Trekking backpack for women Men's lightweight fleece jacket Mountaineering jacket ideal for any summer activity in the mountains Technical mountaineering pants Semi-automatic climbing crampons Lightweight, comfortable sport climbing harness The new standard in freetouring ski boots Weighing a mere 90 grams, a quickdraw ideal for multipitch Ssuper lightweight, minimalistic bivy bag for emergencies in the mountains Mountaineering boots, perfected for average altitude excursions, as well for The creative biography of Rozov the playwright began in He wrote a play called Her Friends, based on a newspaper sketch.

The plot was built around the fate of a young student who went blind, but managed to complete her studies at the university thanks to her friend. Rozov transferred the action from institute to school. The work was staged for the first time at the Central House of Theaters in This is how the playwright found a stage where his plays were in demand. The next essay "Page of Life" turned out to be Rozov's thesis as a graduate of the Literary Institute.

A performance based on it was released on the same stage in The playwright's works carried an instructive grain, which distinguished the literature of that period, but also had individual authorial features. A real success was the appearance of the comedy "Good Hour! The story of yesterday's schoolchildren preparing to become students demonstrated the moral tests that young people faced.

The author raised the issue of personality formation. Revelation and confidential manner of narration were not characteristic of the drama of the ss, and Rozov opened up to the public from a new perspective.

The plays of Viktor Sergeevich were analyzed, theater experts, playwrights, directors and critics were interested in them. The morality inherent in his early works was also seen in later works - "Zateynik" and "Traditional collection", published in the mids. In them, the author described a dramatic discrepancy between a person and his actions, caused by the hero's intrapersonal conflict.

In , the premiere of the play "In Search of Joy", staged by Efros based on the play by Rozov, took place on the stage of the Central House of Theaters. It became the first work in which the author spoke openly about philistinism and greed that devastate the human soul.

On the stage, the heroes were embodied by Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Efremov and Gennady Bortnikov, for whom Rozov's drama became a tool for educating an actor's being. The play by Viktor Rozov "Forever Alive" provoked the second wave of the author's popularity. It became a program for the Sovremennik Theater, headed by Oleg Efremov. The playwright's thoughts turned out to be close to the barely formed theater, and the ethical background of his works, the concept of duty and honor became those important milestones that young people were guided by.

A post shared by Oksana S. The film received the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and received international critical acclaim. This was followed by the drama "On the wedding day", released in and strengthened the contact of the writer with "Sovremennik", which produced performances based on several plays. The collaboration with this scene was completed with the composition "From Evening to Noon", published in Viktor Rozov turned to the production drama popular in the s.

The appearance in of the play "The Capercaillie's Nest" coincided with the censorship ban. Her stage history was challenging. The drama was released in , and Anatoly Papanov played the main role in it.

The play "Boar" had a difficult fate as well. Written in , it was not published until Rozov said goodbye to the bright images of youth and turned to the adult world, where inequality and lies take place. The first staging of the work was made by Adolph Shapiro at the theater.

E Vakhtangov. Then the plays "Houses" and "The Hidden Spring", the books "Travel in different directions" and "Surprise before life" were written. The latter also included the story "The Wild Duck". In his memoirs and autobiography, the playwright described his personal life, memories and the history of working on plays, portraits of famous people with whom he happened to be familiar.

Viktor Rozov was married to Nadezhda Kozlova, an actress of the theater. In , the first-born son Sergei appeared in the family, and in the daughter Tatiana was born. The children of the playwright continued the dynasty, following in the footsteps of their parents.

Sergei became a director and worked at the Academic Youth Theater. Tatiana received an acting education and became an actress of the Moscow Art Theater. Rozov was an adherent of quiet hobbies.

He liked collecting stamps. This hobby appeared in childhood. At his summer cottage, Viktor Sergeevich grew flowers. He was especially pleased with classical music, which the playwright first heard as a student at the conservatory. The writer also liked ballet. Viktor Rozov died on September 28, , leaving to descendants a literary legacy from plays and filmography, the films of which were shot according to his scripts.

The playwright spent the last years of his life in a hospice, where he died at the age of The causes of death were quite natural for his age. The grave of Viktor Rozov is located in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery, and today his photo can be seen in textbooks on the history of Russian theater. Let's check, How Rich is Viktor Rozov in ? It is an overall forecast for the net worth of Viktor Rozov. The evaluation covers the latest 5 years and an approximation for next year.

See above to learn how much money does Viktor Rozov makes a year. The range above shows an estimation based on evaluation generated by public information about sponsorships or other sources found on the internet. It's summarized data from Viktor Rozov 's projects existing in AidWiki's repository. It's an approximation of the revenue compiled by AidWiki and may not correspond with the real amount.

So how does 4WD work? However, there are several different types:. Frequently asked about, there is indeed a difference between the performance of 4WD and AWD when driving in the snow. However, it really depends on how much snow there is and the setting of the drive.

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December 7, Chevy has made the decision to remove the twin-clutch AWD system that was once available only on the High Country trim. Now consumers will only have the option of a standard AWD system. There is also an updated design for the gear selector. It will include a shift knob that is located in the center console. New stitching in the interior will also give the Traverse some much needed spicing up. There will only be one engine choice for the Chevrolet Traverse. It will be a naturally aspirated 3.

The Traverse does have essential safety systems like forward collision alert, auto emergency braking, blind spot alert and lane keep assist and amenities like in-car wifi connection, but it lacks some advanced safety features like adaptive cruise, and did not have memory seats or cooled seats, nor did it have a wireless charging tray.

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Office network cabling in an existing occupied facility can be a challenge. Carefully planning every aspect of the installation in advance will help avoid future problems and can include flexibility for future expansion. Choosing the correct cabling solutions will insure the desired connectivity, speed and performance. Labeling and color coding of cables with specific purposes helps with the installation and with any future trouble shooting.

Also important is correct cable length. Different cable categories lose signal strength after a certain length. Timing of network cabling installation in occupied space should be when there is minimal staff present.

This guide only skims the complexities of low voltage wiring and structured cabling installation. There are seemingly infinite factors to consider when designing and installing structured cabling networks for the large array of technology driven devices and systems. As technology expands, so will the component options and installation methods required by structured cabling companies to keep up with the needs of the end users.

For peace of mind, hire a professional low voltage wiring company that is committed to keeping up with advances in technology and adhering to best practice standards for their specialties. Solutions We Offer. Security Camera Installation Safe and Sound Security offers world-class security camera systems installed by professional security camera system installers.

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Want to download a free PDF of this guide? Click below! Download PDF. What is Structured Cabling? How Does Structured Cabling Work? What is Considered Low Voltage? What is a Structured Cabling system? Structured Cabling System. Horizontal Cabling. Most builders will run Internet wires for the phone lines and you should do the same. If you run the wires in series then only one of the rooms will be able to make use of the wire as a network cable. If your home does not have a basement then you will need to find some other central location to run the wires to.

All this will be covered when you consider your Wiring Plan. Plan everything out before you begin. Decide what wires will be run where. You always want to run too much wire instead of too little. An unused wire costs little, but trying to run a new wire after the walls are up can take hours. Be sure to read the guide on what wires to run and the guide on wire types to help you plan. You may also want to check out some sample projects for ideas. Once you have your plan, you need to estimate how much wire you will need.

You can save a lot of money by purchasing over the Internet. Check out the parts guide for a list of what you will need and where you can get it. Once you have a plan and your parts you are ready to get started. This wiring guide has everything you need to know to run your wires. You could complete the wiring job and terminate all the connections at the same time, but unless the builder is giving you a lot of time to work on the home it is best to leave that work until after you move in.

Much of the finishing work must be done after the drywall is hung and painted anyway. Waiting until after you move in also decreases the chance that your wiring will affect the home appraisal and your housing taxes.

After you close on your home closing this finishing work guide will help you complete the wiring job. After you finish your work, it is time to have the cable, satellite, phone, Internet They will probably need to run a new wire from the street to your home. This wire should be run directly to your wiring panel in the basement and then routed through the house from there.

Even if you are using a cable or DSL modem for Internet access, the modem should be in the basement and then the network wires should distribute it through the home. See the wiring plan for more information. When you install a structured cabling system, the data cabling company should be following the official standards for the cables, hardware and everything in between.

The standards for structured cabling are comprehensive and cover all aspects of the installation. All of these standards ensure any installed structured cabling system is up to par according to the best practices in the industry.

With these standards in place and proper installation, your structured cabling solutions will be able to accommodate new technologies for the workplace. As with many home improvement projects, some things are best done by seasoned professionals. Structured cabling installation involves working with electrical wiring and cabling which can be complex, and you may also need to remove any abandoned cables as required by the National Electric Code—something a professional can easily assist with.

A data cabling company will have the expertise to install a structured cabling system for your business and provide you with guidance on how it works.

Installing a structured cabling system will mean running cable throughout your business location. You need to know:. Oftentimes, there are also local city ordinances and codes that have to be taken into account and followed. You also need to account for electromagnetic interference when you lay out your cabling. Since there are so many factors to consider, and especially with electricity at play, installing and implementing structured cabling solutions at your business should be done by a trained professional.

Mistakes during the installation process can have serious consequences, like a slow connection, errors and hours wasted in getting everything up and running again. Oftentimes, business owners may cut corners or skip steps in the installation process, which can result in bigger problems down the line.

You want the best for your business, so call in the experts for structured cabling solutions. With all the planning that goes into laying out a structured cabling system, a team of seasoned professionals can install your equipment in compliance with the proper standards.

Besides having the right tools for the job, you should look for a company with the right certifications and credentials for installation.

Organization is the main advantage of a structured cabling system, so things like cord labels are very important. Keeping up with these standards and maintaining them is what makes structured cabling so effective in the first place! Cabling companies should also be able to work with you on the details of the installation itself. The cost of structured cabling installation can come down to the needs of your business and the logistics of the system.

These factors can include:. Installing the cabling system will need to happen outside of normal business hours or on the weekend so your workflow is impacted as little as possible.

Experienced and qualified data cabling companies will be able to provide you with the right documentation after installation, so you know exactly where everything is located. Structured cabling solutions are the best way to prepare your business for the future. Or, if you move business locations, you can disassemble and reassemble your data center without much hassle. Because structured cabling is capable of handling so much data and offers so much bandwidth, you can run tools like video conference, streaming and voice calls without any interruptions.

Structured Cabling Solutions. Looking for structured cabling solutions? Here are all the facts you need to know. Request a Quote. Table of Contents. What is Structured Cabling? What Makes Up Structured Cabling? Introduction: What Is Structured Cabling? A structured cabling system actually runs throughout a building or across a campus, with different points and dedicated areas Besides cables, structured cabling solutions can include racks, network cabinets, hardware ports and more.

There are six different kinds of subsystems that go into structured cabling. The Six SubSystems:. Entrance Facilities. Equipment Rooms. Backbone Cabling. Inter- and intra-building cable connections. Horizontal Cabling. Telecommunications Room. Connects the backbone cabling and horizontal cabling. Work Area Components. Types of Cables. Commonly Used Cables:. The last item to note is with regards to your overall internet speed. It is important to understand that while 20, 40 or even Mbps connections are readily available today, faster speeds are either on the horizon, or might even be available to you without your knowledge.

Gigabit service 10 times faster than Mbps is being rolled out all over the valley. Category 6 cable is the next logical upgrade. Call for details!

Posted in Structured Wiring.

You can use any type of salt, but smaller granules tend to dissolve more quickly and easily. Your Albany ear, nose and throat doctor recommends a saltwater gargle two to four times a day, depending on how bad your symptoms are. You should start to feel better after 24 hours. If you suffer from high blood pressure, try another remedy to help moisten the throat.

Chicken soup is a good alternative and, as with saltwater, it has been medically proven to work. As an added bonus, the broth contains nutrients that help fight infection. Fortunately they tend to run their course in a few days, but the pain they cause during that time can make you downright miserable.

Medications might help, but Augusta mothers have been recommending a saltwater gargle for decades. This is because saltwater has hypertonic properties; in other words, the osmotic pressure in saltwater is higher than the pressure in the fluid of the surrounding cells.

After gargling, when you spit out the water, you will get rid of some of the germs, as well. An additional benefit of a saltwater gargle is that moisture on the surface of the throat acts as a lubricant and will help relieve some of the soreness. Other causes include strep throat, allergies and smoking. Within a week, most sore throats will get better on their own, but home remedies, such as a salt water gargle for a sore throat, can help you feel better in the meantime.

Gargling with warm salt water is a widely recommended home remedy, but before you try it, you may be wondering how it works. The Mayo Clinic notes that warm liquids can help to ease the discomfort associated with a sore throat.

Penn Medicine explains that salt water can help to kill bacteria, ease pain and loosen mucus, making it especially helpful in relieving your symptoms. To make a salt water solution, you'll need just two things: salt and warm water. It's important that the water is warm, as this helps the salt dissolve. While gargling with salt water can help to relieve a scratchy or painful throat, this method isn't right for everyone. As the Mayo Clinic explains, children younger than 6 years old can't usually gargle properly.

For this reason, gargling isn't recommended for young children. There are many helpful home remedies out there. In addition to a salt water gargle for a sore throat, the Mayo Clinic shares several other tips to reduce your discomfort:. Home remedies aren't always enough to heal a sore throat, however. The CDC recommends seeing a doctor if you have symptoms of strep throat , such as a fever, pain when swallowing or red, swollen tonsils. You should also see a doctor if you have bloody saliva, difficulty swallowing or breathing, joint pain or any other symptoms that concern you.

The symptoms are similar for children, but children can also get a temperature and appear less active. Sore throats are usually caused by viruses like cold or flu or from smoking. Very occasionally they can be caused by bacteria. Page last reviewed: 05 February Next review due: 05 February Sore throat. How to treat a sore throat yourself To help soothe a sore throat and shorten how long it lasts, you can: gargle with warm, salty water children should not try this drink plenty of water eat cool or soft foods avoid smoking or smoky places suck ice cubes, ice lollies or hard sweets — but do not give young children anything small and hard to suck because of the risk of choking rest How to gargle with salt water Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water warm water helps salt dissolve.

A: No. You can enroll in all ROTC classes with no service obligation. At least two-thirds of the upcoming graduating cadets will receive an active duty tour. Cadets who receive Reserve Duty will serve in local Reserve or National Guard units one weekend a month, or serve in the Ready Reserves with no "drilling" requirement if a suitable unit is not available where you reside.

The Reserves are one of the best adjunct career and retirement systems in the U. Our current cadet corps has an average cumulative GPA above the general university average. Yes, there are some time demands and some voluntary extracurricular activities in ROTC. But simply put, ROTC cadets are more mature and better time managers than many students.

Your academic and athletic success is the highest priority and we stress that. You must do well academically and athletically to succeed in ROTC. Army ROTC provides the best leader development program in the world. No corporation or leadership institute can provide the combined classroom and hands-on leadership training, education and practice as Army ROTC.

During the academic year, your focus is on academics getting your degree -- with ROTC classroom instruction and labs complimenting that education. What's best about Army ROTC is that while learning to become an Army officer, you are interacting, socializing and learning with students with diverse backgrounds, experiences, political ideologies and goals.

How can you get around that one? A: Well, there are surely some career tracks where ROTC may not help you, but the exceptional record of graduating cadets getting good jobs in their fields is well above average. In the Reserves, there are also a lot of job networking and contacts, and most employees view Reservists or officers leaving active duty in very positive terms. Further, students that emphasize their ROTC enrollment are generally viewed as desirable to most employers because of their competitive leadership and managerial abilities, maturity, and time management skills.

A: You must maintain the Army grooming standards for both male and female; hair off your ears male and not down your shoulders female crew cut not required.

You will learn how to wear a uniform properly, but the uniform is only required to be worn during class times and training. Finally, harassment of any type went out years ago; it is not acceptable. We emphasize proper decorum, respect, military courtesies, ethics and standards of conduct; all of which apply equally well to non-military, professional careers.

ROTC will give you better leadership and managerial skills applicable to any field. ROTC will provide you with a lot of personal attention, encouraging you to get good grades and further mature. As the level of financial aid increases, so too does the time a student must commit to spend in the military in order to effectively "pay back" this help. Additional, branch-specific scholarships are available to students upon enrollment.

Below, discover scholarships and aid offered through each branch's ROTC program, and what level of service obligation is required to receive it. They must also participate in weekly drill instruction periods and attend two summer training periods, each four weeks in length. The Navy Nurse Option application is extensive and can take several hours to complete.

At the beginning of the application process a checklist of all required information is provided. In addition to the initial online application, certain supplemental forms are also required, such as:. As part of the application process, the student will be asked to choose five colleges or universities. School choices do not necessarily have to be in the student's home state.

If offered a scholarship, the applicant must major in a nursing degree program leading to a BSN degree. In addition, a monthly subsistence pays at the following rates:. Upon commissioning, midshipmen incur an eight-year service commitment, as do all members entering the military today. However, the number of years that must be served on active duty vary according to the number of months of stipend received while going through nursing school.

If you received one to 12 months of stipend, then you must serve four years on active duty; if you received 13 months or more of stipend, then your active duty service obligation is for five years. The remainder of your eight-year service commitment may be spent in a reserve status.

Once ROTC programs — and any active duty requirements — have been completed, members should find themselves prepared to excel in a variety of career paths, dependent on the courses they took while enrolled.

Regardless of the path they end up taking, the common denominator for all graduates is the foundation of leadership and confidence that ROTC programs work to instill in all their cadets. These qualities, along with any specialized training received during their time in ROTC and the military, make those transitioning from a military to civilian career particularly well suited to a number of professional roles.

The Gopher Battalion commissions adaptive and agile officers into the United States Army, Army Reserve and National Guard through a holistic training and education program, focused on retention and a quality recruiting process.

We strive to meet that mission by offering a classroom curriculum that focuses on developing college students into leaders who are adaptive, agile and problem solvers. Leadership labs give our cadets the opportunity to apply the skills learned in a tactical setting.

While earning a degree in the major of their choice, cadets receive leadership training in judgment, decision-making, values, ethics, communications, critical thinking, management and analysis.

We strive to impart all cadets with a sense of self-motivation, discipline, initiative, service, patriotism and integrity.

Is attending college in the Golden State the right choice for you? Our guide explores the most popular reasons to study in California. Army leadership, military tactics, principles of war, and combat survival training. Summer cruise training, surface warfare orientation, flight time on navy aircraft, and maritime self-defense. Laws of armed conflict, international security, aerospace studies, and field training.

Between years of active military service, depending on scholarship acceptance and degree level. Between years of active duty, depending on contract cadet appointment.

Scholarship cadets must pass an Army Physical Fitness Test with a minimum of points. Scholarship cadets must score at least 75 points on the Physical Fitness Test twice a year.

Non-scholarship cadets must take the test, but do not need to pass. Complete required calculus, physics, English, national security, cultural studies, and naval science courses. Attend Summer Cruise Training. A previous medical history of alcohol and drug abuse disqualifies applicants. No drug use is permitted. Legal alcohol consumption is permitted while off duty. NRTOC members are subject to periodic urinalysis tests.

Spread the Knowledge. The ROTC offers college scholarships for students who commit to serve in the military. An ROTC scholarship will cover most of your college expenses in return for your participation in military training while in college and service after you graduate. Whether you are a student interested in a career in the military or looking for a well-structured career path after college, an ROTC scholarship may be an option to consider.

Here's what you need to know before you apply. There are over 1, civilian, military, and junior military colleges that host and participate in an ROTC program.

You can find information about ROTC programs including host schools, tuition assistance, eligibility requirements, post-graduation benefits and more on their websites. Remember that ROTC scholarships are among several forms of aid offered by the military.

If accepted into this scholarship program, students will be enlisted in the Coast Guard, complete basic training during the summer, and receive full funding for up to two years of college.

High school students who apply for an ROTC program are eligible for scholarships covering the full cost of tuition, fees and textbooks for four years, plus a monthly stipend for personal expenses.

Students who have financial need beyond what is covered by an ROTC scholarship may seek supplemental aid from the federal government or other sources.

To help heal the skin, it's important to keep the affected area clean and dry. You should: Wash and then dry the area with a clean towel. Use a separate clean towel for the rest of your body. Apply the antifungal cream, powder, or spray as directed on the label. Change clothing every day. Treat any other fungal infections, such as athlete's foot. How Long Does Ringworm Last? Can Ringworm Be Prevented? Ringworm can often be prevented. To avoid it: Keep your skin clean and dry.

Wash daily and dry completely, particularly after showering, swimming, and sweaty activities. Use clean towels and avoid sharing clothing, towels, combs, brushes, and hats. Wash sports gear and uniforms as often as possible and don't share them. Avoid tight-fitting clothing. Change your clothes every day. This develops in men who can grow facial hair. Most men get it when they have contact with infected animal, which may explain why farmers and ranchers seem to develop it more often.

Signs and symptoms appear on the bearded area of the face and neck, and you may notice:. A ringworm infection can develop in men who can grow facial hair. Signs appear on the bearded area of the face and neck. Signs of a ringworm infection on the scalp can include widespread scaly patches, in addition to baldness with thick, crusty patches on the scalp. If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, you should see a dermatologist.

You could have ringworm or another type of skin infection. Treatment can cure a skin infection. Dermatology for Skin of Color. China, Mosby Elsevier, China, Cards 72, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, and Mosby Elsevier, Spain, Verma S and Heffernan MP. It appears as pink plaques with heavy white scales. Small isolated plaques can sometimes look similar to ringworm. However, ringworm on your trunk or limbs tinea corporis will usually have a circular appearance with clearing in the middle.

It will also usually be an isolated spot or limited to only a few lesions. Plaque psoriasis skin lesions are usually larger, involve more areas of the skin, and occur in distinct locations lower back, elbows, knees. The conditions have different underlying causes as well.

A fungus causes ringworm, while a dysfunctional immune system causes psoriasis. Find out how to identify ringworm and psoriasis.

If left untreated, ringworm can spread to other areas of the body. A person can also risk spreading the infection to someone else. Other potential areas of complication include:. The complications of tinea capitis ringworm of the scalp are especially worrisome, since it can produce life-long permanent hair loss.

Practicing healthy and hygienic behaviors can prevent ringworm. Infections may come from contact with animals and lack of proper hygiene.

Here are several tips to avoid ringworm:. Examples of these drugs fine to use when applied topically include:. Examples include:. You can get ringworm from your dog. Watch your dog regularly for signs that they may have ringworm. They will usually have a loss of fur on their skin, often in a circular pattern.

You should also wash your hands frequently after petting your dog to reduce infection risk whenever possible. According to the American Kennel Club , cats are more prone to getting ringworm than dogs are.

They can pass the condition along to their human owners as well. Like ringworm in dogs, if you spot ringworm in cats, call the veterinarian. They can prescribe antifungal treatments. You should also always wash your hands after petting your cat and try to clean all of the items they come in contact with, such as brushes and water bowls.

If you do get ringworm from your cat, you can treat it the same as you would any fungal infection. This includes topical antifungals. Ringworm is a contagious skin infection causing a small, itchy, ring-shaped rash. It's not a worm. We break down what causes it and how to treat it.

Ringworm of the scalp is a fungal infection. Also called Tinea capitis, it causes small patches of itchy, scaly skin. Read on to learn how to manage…. In fact, most cases of ringworm can be treated at home.

Ringworm can appear anywhere on the body, including the scalp tinea capitis and groin jock itch. They can look at the rash and recommend the best antifungal medicine.

This might be a cream, gel or spray depending on where the rash is. You may need to use an antifungal medicine every day for up to 4 weeks.

It's important to use it for the right amount of time, even if the rash has gone away.

PTT apps switch a traditional phone, usually with a single click, to a mode that allows only one party to speak at a time, though many programs allow multiple parties to participate in the conversation. As more companies move to unlimited minutes, this incentive has diminished. Thus more carriers have sought ways to make PTT even more enticing.

These challenges are a good reason to consider an app instead of using traditional PTT smartphone platforms. Some common features in cell phone walkie talkies include:. An app like Voxer is typically a more affordable and efficient solution. If traditional PTT were the only option, then the cost and time investment might be justified.

The best PTT app is one that is not tied to your phone or a specific carrier. You need an app that can work across networks and devices. At Voxer, we are confident we have developed the perfect app for businesses of all sizes and budgets. Stop wasting time and money. Invest in an app that your entire team can use. Voxer saves you time and money, and in so doing, helps you grow your business. You may be looking at thousands in startup costs, plus the cost of an FCC license, plus maintenance and upkeep.

Lost productivity. But when traditional devices waste time or make communication less efficient, they cost you money and time. Doubled work. This often necessitates additional conversations, follow-up messages, and other sources of time loss. Lost time is lost money. Few employee benefits. How Does Push-to-Talk Work? Here are the problems with traditional PTT technology: It can be expensive. Do more than talk: Push-to-talk is of course associated with speaking, but a strong PTT app can deliver more.

You can talk, and as easily and securely send text and share documents, multimedia information and streaming video within the app, for example — to a group or to one person, and at the push of a single button or key.

You can also share your screen with your team s to better support them in their missions. Take advantage of more than one app: A strong PTT app can be complemented with other special apps, and together, they will deliver even more oomph. Keep your communications private: Are the PTT app communications — both voice and data — encrypted? Complement your current radios: A strong PTT app will let smartphone-carrying people communicate smoothly with radio-carrying teams.

Ideally, PTT app users would be able to join existing talk groups and communicate with radios and with the control room. In other words, people vital to an operation would be connected even when they use different devices and technologies.

Does your organization need the PTT apps to work with radio communications? It can be done. Users can rely on easy and secure communication both with radios and smartphones as with the control room. To gain the full capabilities of professional PTT technology, several key requirements need to be met.

Setting up the PTT application needs to be professionally managed. Downloading a commercial often free app from a generic app store does not meet this requirement. Instead, you need to adopt apps in a controlled and systematic way. Instead, it can support the goals of your whole organization.

Even when opting for controlled adoption, you should prefer an app that is easy to set up in your devices. Set-up over a remote connection will make your life a lot easier! For smooth communication in working teams, you need talk groups. Once again, ad hoc groups are fine for off duty time, but professionals need a controlled solution. If users can set up their talk chat groups themselves, one mis-typed phone number could mean the group communications becoming open to outsiders.

In contrast, setting up talk groups according to an organizational hierarchy should be easy. You will also appreciate it if the PTT app can handle location-based groups and allocate people into groups according to their location — in other words, include them in group communications when they are within a certain geographical area.

Want to know more about professional apps - push-to-talk as well as others? Learn what are the latest trends in professional apps, what users look for in professional apps, how they use apps, and the biggest concerns that they have.

Download now: Fingertip access to the latest trends in professional apps - report on Airbus' annual survey This is one of the most important tips for buying a professional app. A strong push-to-talk app could do so much more.

As a feature of two-way radios, PTT offers advantages over cell phones:. PTT functionality also has been added to a range of digital devices including cell phones. As mobile carriers offer push-to-talk services on the devices they support, PTT functionality is available on smartphones and specialized mobile handsets. Some services also function on a laptop, desktop, or tablet computer. Where such devices are appropriate and convenient, push-to-talk can offer the operational advantages of PTT while incorporating the advantages of a range of mobile devices.

Mobile radios. PTT features are also essential in mobile radios. Installed in vehicles, mobile radios make it possible for employees to stay in touch with other mobile employees or with a home office. The PTT technology allows these radios to function as two-way radios providing immediate communication. For help selecting, installing, and servicing the perfect system for your workforce, contact Chicago Communications today! And to learn more about why two-way radios are better than cell phones, download our free white paper.

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How to check-in at South African Airways. How to check-in at Southwest Airlines. How to check-in at Spirit Airlines. How to check-in at Spring Airlines. How to check-in at SriLankan Airlines. How to check-in at Sriwijaya Air. How to check-in at Sun Country Airlines. How to check-in at SunExpress. How to check-in at SunExpress Deutschland. How to check-in at T'Way Air. How to check-in at TAP Portugal. Contact the vendor for additional information.

Add, use, and share boarding passes, tickets, and other passes in Apple Wallet With the Wallet app, you can add and use resort passes, boarding passes, movie tickets, coupons, rewards cards, and more. How to add a boarding pass, ticket, or other pass to Apple Wallet on your iPhone Open the app, email, notification, or other communication that contains your boarding pass, ticket, or other pass. Tap Add to Apple Wallet. Follow the instructions on the screen. If necessary, tap Add in the upper right corner.

Use a boarding pass, ticket, or other pass in Apple Wallet When you add a boarding pass, ticket, or other pass to the Wallet app, you can use it with your iPhone or Apple Watch.

How to use a boarding pass, ticket, or other pass on your iPhone To open the boarding pass, ticket or other pass: If your iPhone has Face ID, double-click the side button. Authenticate with Face ID or enter your passcode. Tap your default payment card to see your other cards. Tap your boarding pass, ticket, or other pass and authenticate. Scan or tap your device at the contactless reader, or present it to the attendant. How to use a boarding pass, ticket, or other pass on your Apple Watch Double-click the side button.

Scroll down to find the boarding pass, ticket, or other pass that you want to use and tap it. Hold your Apple Watch display near the contactless reader. You might need to unlock your device to show your pass or ticket before scanning or tapping it. How to share a pass or ticket in Apple Wallet You can share some passes and tickets in the Wallet app with other iPhone or Apple Watch users.

On your iPhone, open the Wallet app. Tap the pass or ticket that you want to share.

To exit Shuffle, simply select and play an individual station. Hope this helps! Let's share music in the Playlist Swap. Pandora Community. Sign In FAQs. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Show only Search instead for. Did you mean:. Local Performer. Labels 1. If your favorite Pandora station is getting a little too long in the tooth, adding variety to it is a great way to mix things up a little, and tack on a ton of new tracks and artists — regardless of genre.

To add variety to a Pandora station, start by opening Pandora and heading to "My Collections" if you weren't already directed there. Now, tap on the station you want to add some variety to, and either hit the information icon Android or "thumbs up" button iOS on the upper-right corner of the station's page.

From there, select "Add Variety," and either choose from the list of songs or artists within the "Recommended" tab, or search for a specific artist or track in the search field provided along the top of the screen. Tapping on a target artist or song will instantly add it to your station, and will automatically play songs from that genre and alternate with your station's original playlist moving forward.

To guarantee you never get bored with your favorite Pandora station, the app lets you add as many artists or tracks as you want we stopped at 14 for a truly eclectic playlist.

If you usually just fire up a station and put your phone in your pocket, pop-up ads won't be a problem, but you'll still hear the commercials.

In the last major update, Pandora got a face-lift, making the interface more streamlined than those in previous versions. Touching the album art during playback minimizes the cover, revealing the artist bio, track information, and even lyrics in some cases. It also lets you swipe up from the bottom of the screen to pull up a nifty volume slider and a song progress timer.

The overall look is much more streamlined, and now it appears the folks at Pandora are improving the app under the hood. With the latest update, Pandora has increased the buffer size so more music is stored on your phone ahead of time to avoid stutters when you have a weak connection.

The app also now lets you use all the embedded URLs you can use on the Web site, letting you quickly browse from page to page.

It's tough to say whether users will start leaving Pandora for iTunes Radio once it is released, but the Pandora app for iOS continues to improve with interface enhancements and new features for sharing and controlling your stations.

It's true the ads can get pretty distracting, especially when interacting with the app, but for continuous listening it's still a solid music discovery tool. Jason Parker. Pricing Not Available.