Kids Definition of represent. Legal Definition of represent. Get Word of the Day daily email! Test Your Vocabulary. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Love words? Need even more definitions? Just between us: it's complicated. Ask the Editors 'Everyday' vs. What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'? How 'literally' can mean "figuratively".
We have to finish this job within a week. One week is our time frame. There is no concern in what order we do the job. Could anyone give an explanation, please? On the cover of a package of diapers, there is an advert saying: provides comfort and security for the baby.
Represent can also be "standing in" for someone else, acting on their behalf or with their authority. The ambassador represents his country at official functions. The ambassador doesn't present his country at official functions.
Have you tried looking at the WordReference dictionary, found at the top of each page? I recommend you look at "represent". It has many meanings.
I understood. Yichen Senior Member China. The ambassador represents his country at official functions Click to expand Present verb is to show something eg : I presented my work to my teacher. Represent: To depict or serve as an image The national flag is a representative symbol of its country. See a translation. Read more comments. Portuguese Brazil English US. To represent is to depict or symbolize someone or something.
Carl is representing our country over here.