Willis Wilson from West Virginia refused this request, which created tension between the states, but allowed the Hatfields to avoid arrest. Perry Cline, the man married to Martha McCoy who lost his land to Devil Anse Hatfield, used political connections to get the charges against the Hatfields reinstated and had the state offer a reward for their capture. Cline was fighting for his own revenge against the Hatfields who had taken thousands of acres of land he viewed as rightfully his.
This was viewed as a threat by the Hatfields, who began to formulate a plan of retaliation against the McCoys. Hatifield men surrounded the cabin and began to fire while the McCoys were sleeping. The Hatfields then burned the cabin to force the occupants out. There was nothing of value left of the house, so the McCoy family relocated to Pikeville to avoid the reach of Hatfield raiders. After this raid, the Hatfields seemed to lose a lot of their power.
After this, the posse rounded up eight members of the Hatfield family and took them to Kentucky to face a trial for the murder of Alifair McCoy, the daughter of Randolph.
The accused Hatfields were given life sentences for their crimes and Ellison Mounts, the illegitimate son of Ellison Hatfield was hanged for the murder of Alifair. Close Drawer. Individual Entries. Explore By Topic. Guides, Videos, and Rubrics.
How to Create an Entry. Create a New Entry. How to Create a Tour. Create a New Tour. About Clio. Clio in the Classroom. Clio for Historic Preservation. Roseanna became pregnant. She says in the book that Sarah was weakened by the beating and lived a few years in a house in Pikeville, KY before dying at the age of Randall McCoy nearly died in when a group of Hatfields attacked his home…. How many died in Hatfield and McCoy feud?
The Battle of Grapevine Creek was a short battle between two large armed groups of the Hatfield family and the McCoy family which was the last offensive event during the Hatfield—McCoy feud and marked the beginning of the end in the feud between the two families. On Jan.