Perhaps the second real theme is the vanity of a violent or vengeful reaction. As an ex-soldier, Scannell would certainly have empathised with men who lashed out in anger, still holding back their pent-up reactions to the atrocities of war. Perhaps the reader is also glimpsing a battle-scarred man lashing out? There is an intimacy here that adds depth to our picture of the family in the garden.
Conclusion Using only the simplest poetic tools, Vernon Scannell creates a sequence of focused visual images with subtle overtones of much deeper themes. Cross rhyme - A rhyme pattern alternating line endings, so that the first line rhymes with the third, and the second with the fourth, often notated abab and actually much simpler in practice than explanation! Also one of the most common regular rhyme patterns.
Quatrain - Four lines rhyming together and acting as one unit of verse. Not necessarily grammatically complete or set apart as their own stanza. Stanza - A number of lines of verse laid out together on the page and separated by empty lines from the remainder of the poem. The poet uses different techniques to make the poem more interesting and seem more realistic. This helps us imagine the scene clearly and creates an atmosphere.
They are behind the shed, and this gives us thoughts on how sly they are. They lurk out of sight, and wait to attack. This tells us how merciless they are, rule and harmful. The poet clearly feels this is no place for sleeping or resting. This is like an army being defeated, lying dead on the ground, no longer standing tall. Yet again, the nettles are referred to as though they are an army, and they have been called up to fight in a war.
Also, they are concealed behind the shed, making them seem sly and cunning, ready to sneak out and hurt the boy when he least expects it. Therefore, the nettles have a much better advantage than him, so he will be much likely to be hurt again. The poet cleverly uses words so we understand his message. This is very effective. Here is an example of word choice.
This wording sounds like it is soft adn cosy as you rest here but, this is not the case for the nettle. The term bed means safeltyy and comfort therej si no danger in a bed. Teh ides that something which protaryed to be safe is dangerous allow us th think about it;s relationship with war.
It could mean life and death because you are more than likely born on a bed and die on a bed too. Nettles by Vernon Scannell goes much deeper than the overall concept of it being nettles that ails his boy or sun. This shows how he is linking his sons pain with war, how war might ail someone? Or even a country. It is also an affectionate term, with this you can see that the son is very dear to him, means a lot to him and he will be protected.
This change in term could signify that the one soothed was another parents son. The idea of it being another son could engage the reader to explore the idea of it being their son and what would they do in that situation, how could they protect their son from nettles, or delving deeper from war.
A bed is symbolised to mean safety and comfort, there is no danger in a bed, it means rest. The idea that something which is portrayed to be safe is dangerous add layers of interpretation to the poem, now it could mean that why send our soldiers to fight unsafe battles?
Why allow this boys to get hurt. The poet is not talking about men, he is talking about an inexperienced, young and youthful boy. Scannell is addressing why we pack up our soldiers when they are not old enough to cope. I think the poem has a simplistic meaning where the father talks about his son falling into nettles, and he was there that time to protect him and give him comfort.
He doesnt want his son to be hurt again so he cuts down the nettles, only to fully well know they will grow again and he needs to learn that his son will get hurt many times with him not by his side. ALso it has a hidden symbolic meaning of WAR. Or it could be interpreted that the father is in the war trying to protect the world and most importantly his family.
This is a poem of true beauty, the toil and love this man, this father will go through to protect whats most important, his son. Lastly, the imagery created within this poem creates a sense of a battle being fought. All in all, the poem communicates a relationship that is a common occurrence in our society, allowing many parents and even children to relate to this poem, with Vernon Scannell also highlighting his experiences in the army as being menacing and ominous.
Thanks to Aaran for this analysis! We just got nominated 18 June !