As whole-wheat bread has grown in popularity, so has vital wheat gluten use. US gluten imports—mostly from Australia, Canada, China, and Europe—more than doubled between and , reaching million pounds, and most of that went into baking. Donald Kasarda , a scientist with the USDA, estimates that our annual vital gluten intake per capita has tripled since , from 0. But then again, neither has any other explanation.
Well, there you go. We suggest sticking to your local bakery or closely reading the nutrition label if you're trying to find bread in America closer to its European counterpart. You need to watch out for preservatives in American bread Shutterstock. It is pure heaven!!!
They find it disgusting. Will add bloat weight gain etc. I get imported dry pasta from Italy. I have not been to Europe, but just based on this, it definitely does not surprise me. I had never had a migraine until my family moved back to Canada after 4 years living in England and traveling in Europe at every chance. After a few years, an MRI and treatment with Elavil I tried going gluten-free after hearing the author of wheat belly speaking on the radio.
For 2 years I was GF and headaches were infrequent and manageable. Once back home I tried a few variations — organic unbleached flour- no good. It is meant to make you sick to generate Healthcare clients. We have 2 flours on the shelf — Plain flour or self-raising with baking powder already in for cakes and pastries — Strong flour for breads.
Strong flour is Hard wheat, plain flour is soft wheat. Bread in the UK is made of strong bread flour.
I think this will be more true of artisan bakeries than of commercial bread. None of the nice bakeries would consider using plain flour, they all use the strong bread flour as its optimised for the purpose. OHHHH yeah! Brain fog, need to sleep, inability to concentrate, cannot construct nor say complete sentences, MAJOR problem with insulin overload. For a solid 25 years, I have a fully clean intake, everything made from scratch at home, only dining at scratch-made kitchens, etc… I gave up gluten because of what that garbage was causing me to feel.
It is a nightmare! Both the doctor and I researched that there is significant you speak the truth!!!!! Everything tasted so much cleaner there!
And, I allowed myself two servings of real foods per day. I did drink quite a bit my first three days there, I wont lie! But, the common denominator was that, I should have had a gluten-related problem. I should have had reactions. I had NONE….. No brain fog, slept well, was able to have great conversations, no issues with speech, thinking nor the ability to concentrate — I was a fine-tuned machine! And, even with the more potency of liquor over there, I was not hung over!!!! When I came back to the States to see my Endocrinologist again, I shared with her my entire intake.
I had ZERO reaction…. Thankfully, where I cook everything from scratch, I dont have issues. Where it has been a year ago since basking in the glory of some of the most amazing Scottish foods, Im gonna see how I handle things.
If I have no reactions… I am going back to my Endocrinologist, which is in two weeks from today…. I actually was just googling about spending too much time in the bathroom and Celiac Disease came up as a possible culprit.
I then thought about how I had no restroom issues while in Hungary for about 2 weeks. So I googled about gluten in Europe and ended up here. In Hungary, I was in and out of the restroom in minutes when I generally spend much more time here in America. Same here. Lived in Europe and Asia- no problems. Spent last year in Korea, if product was made with Korean flour- no problem.
They note if flour is from USA. In US, extreme sensitivity. Organic in the US seems to be ok. Eat at pizza places that use 00 flour. Call first. Currentky living in Australia, migrated from asia country 5 years back.
No issue with wheat until living in Australia. Have been using Korean wheat flour recently , no issues at all. Bought my first Italian flour to try out, fingers crossed it will be ok. Thanks for reading. My daughter found that on vacation to Paris she could eat any baked products without a problem. At home in Canada she cannot eat wheat products or anything with wheat added. She has a condition called Interstitial Cystitis and the worst case scenario or reaction to wheat in North America would be that her bladder hemorrhages.
I now only purchase wheat flour from Italy available from select grocery stores near us and bake everything we eat, bread, pizza, baked goods, etc. Yes, it is more expensive but the alternative makes it worth it! Where your ingredients come from makes a huge difference. It certainly sounds delicious, on top of being worth it! Thanks again for reading and sharing your story. I live in Denver , Colorado.
I would like to try the difference. Thank You Jay. I have absolutely no trouble eating products made from American wheat or European wheat Caputo flour.
But I do have to make my own bread because across the board there is entirely too much salt in bread, and often sugar. The bread I make tastes great without any salt at all, just flour, yeast, and water. During WWII, this yeast was further refined into granulated active dry yeast, and it was refined further still into instant yeast in the s. However, one thing I noticed about European breads is that they frequently call for buttermilk in the recipe. So is European bread different from American bread?
But more often than not, the answer appears to be that European breads:. So if you are gluten sensitive, what does this mean for you? But you also might be able to eat bread that was made from organic, soft wheat, rather than non-organic hard red wheat. Is Bread Different in Europe? Previous Next. View Larger Image. MILK One more theory on why certain varieties of bread common in Europe may cause fewer problems than American yeast involves the fermentation process.