There were things that made the online class more difficult. For instance there were no videotaped lectures. That was fine for a lot of the material, but there were certain concepts that were difficult to understand just through reading.
For me, the chapter on acid base balance was hard to get. Anatomy is a lot of memorization. It is more so difficult to remember all the muscle layers, along with their insertion and origin. Physiology requires you to understand the function of a normal physiological state and how it differs with varying conditions, illness, and diseases. There are a variety of specializations available in this field.
I will say that I did take anatomy and physiology in undergrad. There is a benefit to taking anatomy and physiology to some degree. But if you are juggling anatomy and physiology with other upper-level biology courses like biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology, then I recommend taking those courses first.
Our school has a specialized chem class for nursing students. The only difference is the order of operations between the increment of the variable and the value the operator returns. At the end, in both cases the i will have its value incremented. Anatomy is more straight forward, just pure memorization in fact, a lot of it.
Physiology focuses more on chemical process in different parts of the body. I definitely think physiology is harder than anatomy because it requires much more ctitical thinking and more chemistry background well, at least at my school.
Source: AAMC. Genetics is important, but not thaaaat important to where you need to take class specifically on the subject. Biochem or even just Bio is usually enough. Biology is the most tested subject on the MCAT. This makes sense since physicians need to know a lot of biology. I've been very torn between sacrificing band for my future, but I'm willing to do it if needed. But is it worth it to take those classes? I'm not a fan of it, so I'm thinking of taking it in college, even if I won't be able to take AP Physics.
Especially since most your competition will have had a physics course in high school. She loves it! Not sure if you will have that added benefit of doing part of your class in a lab. I know a few people who wanted to practice medicine, but working on cadavers was a deal breaker for them. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Google Search. Post Your Opinion. Create New Poll. Sign In Sign Up.
Add a New Topic. Should high school students be required to take anatomy classes and know more about their own bodies and health? Yes high school students should be required to take anatomy classes. Report Post. Like Reply.