I never realised they changed the instructions [emoji33] out now 8 month old has been having it made with the perfect prep machine since four weeks! Then the instructions were to make like normal formula! Bottle-feeding Nutramigen Formula. Bottle-feeding Nutramigen. Bottle-feeding Nutramigen - Advice Needed. Bottle-feeding nutramigen. Bottle-feeding Does Nutramigen Formula help with reflux?? Bottle-feeding Anyone using Nutramigen?
Bottle-feeding Nutramigen to Neocate! Bottle-feeding Nutramigen causing constipation?? Bottle-feeding Nutramigen and carobel. Learn more about our guidelines Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page. This discussion is archived and locked for posting. Archived discussions are usually a bit older and not as active as other community content. First of all, it should be illegal to charge parents this much money to feed their babies What a hard decision this was.
I noticed that the can says "do not warm". So can I not prepare formula in advance and warm it for him??
He won't take it cold. Newest First. Its cheaper and it can be warmed. We tried Nutramigen after Madi started getting hard stool on Similac Isomil Soy, didn't work, she hated it. If I remember correctly it just said do not warm in microwave, because of risk of burning.
I usually make bottles on demand but refridgerate leftovers and I must admit sometimes I do microwave for like 15 seconds just to take the chill off, no harm done. I feel your pain on the formula issues. We had our own to deal with. We started her on soy after my milk never came in, which of course was devastating. The only reason the pedi did that was because I had issues with cow's milk as a baby. So when the soy didn't agree with her she said to try the Nutramigen. That stuff smells like sh!
When she refused to eat it smart baby we decided to try a cow's milk formula, just because I had issues doesn't mean she would.
She's been on Enfamil Gentlease for 4 weeks now and all is good. HoneyBadgerDontCare, it says: "warning: do not warm. Hope your little one responses well to it but trust yourself if you think there not. We're now on neocate xx. I assume it is ok to warm as it says you can store in the fridge for up to 24 hours and can't imagine anyone would give fridge cold milk to their baby. Ok thanks. Forgot to ask the doc about Gaviscon before I left. Will be them a call x.
Also -are you sure it's not the taste rather than temp baby is objecting to. My lo took A while to get used to it loves it now, I still think it tastes rank. Are health benefits greatly reduced by slight warming? Original poster's comments 2. I've always give it room temp unless in fridge Then I just warm it in a cup of hot water.
I hear it's the only formula we're not suppose to warm. It's refreshing to know that others warm it just slightly too. I hope she grows out of this sensitive tummy thing. Kelly-my ped never said anything about not heating it either. I saw a post on here and then I read the can again. We just started this yesterday. Can anyone give a reference to how hot degrees feels like?